Saturday, February 5, 2011

Sat. Feb. 5th @2pm EST - Watch World Wide / Call In - Robin Downes on Sistah Talk TV - "Hot Topics"

Robin Downes Interviewed on Steve Harvey Morning Show 2004

Preparing for the next taping of Sistah Talk TV - airing Saturday,  Februatyr 5th!
 One of the topics is Steve Harvey's Ex-Wife YouTube blast.

If you're in NY, you can catch it on TV on Manhattan Neighborhood Network (MNN) at 2:00pm. Time Warner Cable TV CH 34, VERIZON TV CH 33, RCN Cable TV CH 82 2:00pm – 3:00pm. 

WATCH IT LIVE FROM ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD online live in real time at 

2:00pm ET, 1:00pm CT, 12:00pm MT, 11:00am PT, & 7:00pm in London, UK

Here is some of the research that I am doing to prepare for the hot topics.

Steve Harvey's Ex-Wife Blasts him on YouTube

Tom Joyner Morning Show wants to figure solutions:
Ex-Wife concern about Steve Harvey as a role model:
"Women that have been silenced by their husbands"
"13 year old son, can't call mother"
"Don't have lawsuit about money, this is about community"
Tom offered to help settle behind closed doors. It has effected her health.

Topic #2 - An Ethiopian woman blast Black Women - they took down the video
But other folks got very heated and responded on Youtube - if interested Google "Ethiopian Chick"

Topic#3 - What's going on in Egypt?

Topic #4 - The McCaskey East School -  segregation to help black studio with special mentoring.

Topic #5 - Is Black History month still important?  I think so, there is still so much that needs to be re-discovered.

Topic #6 - Black women still single because of the church? Here is a link to an article that I posted:

Let's talk about sex - Hey single ladies how important is sex in a relationship to you?

Ok, so check out the show and let me know what you think.

Sending positive vibes - Robin Downes

Robin Downes' Yoga Flava

Robin Downes' Yoga Flava
Not Just Yoga, Also The Flava Of Life!